
You may need assistance with activities of daily living (known as ADLs) if you’ve had an injury, severe illness, or difficulty with memory, balance, or coordination. ADLs are essential self-care tasks such as eating, bathing, dressing, using the bathroom and other personal hygiene tasks.

It can be extremely frustrating not to be able to do simple things. Our carers have a wealth of experience helping our clients live their daily lives with dignity. They also help you move safely throughout your day providing support such as medication reminders to ensure that prescriptions are followed correctly.

Families appreciate the peace of mind that comes from having a trained carer there to help if a medical or safety emergency should arise. Having a carer in the home takes a load off the minds of busy family members. Our carers communicate with our team who keep families up to date on any new developments.


Sometimes limited mobility or other challenges makes it difficult to stay socially active, and that can get lonely. Our carers will accompany you through your day, providing conversation and companionship, assisting with light household tasks, and helping prepare meals.

Too much time alone can be unhealthy, but it’s not always easy to go out and meet other people. A carer offers social stimulation and good company. With up to date care qualifications our carers can notice changes in your physical or mental health. The earlier a problem is detected, the sooner it can be addressed, sometimes averting a crisis.


We carefully match carers with clients to make sure their personalities complement one another. This is an essential feature in what is often a very long-term relationship.

Choosing the right person is vitally important to your health, safety, and happiness. We pride ourselves on screening, hiring and training the highest quality carers. Our hiring process is rigorous and highly selective.

Our nursing and care staff are employees of HomeWise Health, not agency staff. We take great care in finding those most suited to each client’s physical needs, personality, dietary preferences, and culture. All have background checks, and are fully covered by the relevant insurances.

Client Stories



Talk to a Clinical care manager

We’re happy to chat about your daily needs and how we might be able to help.

Call us today 1800 717 640 to receive a complimentary consultation.