• We develop a personalised home care plan with you to provide the services you need to be safe and healthy. We provide care and clinical oversight for aged care clients, as well as clients with disabilities. We coordinate with medical and allied health professionals to customise care. When you need a service we do not provide, we draw from our network of experienced professionals to find someone who can help.

  • Our Clinical Care Managers (CCMs) are Registered Nurse professionals who help clients and their families organize their health care services and arrange long-term care. CCMs have experience in nursing, disability, or gerontology. They are problem solvers, advocates, and care coordinators. For more information on how our CCM's can help you please see our case studies.

  • Anyone with the responsibility or desire to help clients with long-term care services or improve the services currently in place. This may include individuals acting on their own behalf, family members, friends, lawyers or trust and estate attorneys, financial planners, bank trust officers, guardians and guardianship judges, and employee assistance programs (EAPs). Care managers do not replace any of these people. Their role is to provide expertise and support to help them do their work better.

  • We serve the greater Sydney and Newcastle areas.

  • Our staff all speak English. We will endeavour to provide multilingual staff if available and as requested.

  • Care services are tailored to meet the client’s needs. Some clients receive occasional visits, while others ask for 24-hour care. Only our staff are used for our client (no agency staff). In order to provide the quality of care our clients expect we require each vist to be a minimum of three hours in length.

  • No. Our engagements can be for a specified length of time or indefinite, depending on the client’s health needs and preferences. You may cancel services at any time with reasonable notice (7 days).

  • HomeWise fully covered by Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance. Our nurses and other professionals are licensed by AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency). Our home carers are certified, police checked and receive ongoing professional development.

  • We seek to minimize your expenses while providing the services you need. In our initial discussions, we review available insurance policies, entitlements, and other possible sources of coverage. When we see an opportunity for you to lower your out-of-pocket costs, we will help you find a professional to assist you. HomeWise works with trusted government accredited providers, insurance companies. Services not covered by insurance may be paid privately.

  • Yes. We provide a detailed quote to each privately funded client specifying the service provided, visit dates and times, and fees.

  • Yes. We invite you to contact us at any time via email (info@homewisehealth.com.au) or by calling 1800 717 640. You will be connected with a professional who has helped hundreds of others with their long-term care and a wide range of related needs. Even if your needs are outside our scope of service, we will try to suggest other helpful resources.


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